Sunday, August 25, 2024

Aaron Powell: from a dick show-off to a normal guy

Original picture:

Improved version:

When the body isn't good enough, the only thing left is to show off the big dick. Of course, I'm not saying that Aaron Powell's body is bad, but by bodybuilding standards, he's far from perfect. This statement is supported by the fact that Aaron has never achieved outstanding results in bodybuilding. It's not just a theory on my part that Aaron considers showing off his big dick more important than properly building muscle in the gym. He runs a business that makes custom-sized posing trunks and claims that his posing trunks highlight everyone's genitals in the most flattering way. There would be no problem with that if Aaron Powell set a personal example by putting at least as much energy into bodybuilding as he does into showing off his big dick. In the improved photo, therefore – unsurprisingly – I gave Aaron a much better body according to bodybuilding standards, as well as posing trunks that weren’t specifically designed to outline the exact size of his dick. As a bonus, I reversed his early balding, so now Aaron has thick hair, and I also improved his face, although I can't work miracles. I didn't want to stray too far from the original face, so the improved version isn't stunning either.

Monday, August 12, 2024

The sexy and beautiful Jake Burton became even sexier and more beautiful

Original picture:

Improved version:

As you can see, Jake Burton (Stu on gay porn sites) hasn't changed much compared to his original photo. This is because I already considered his original look to be nearly perfect. I didn’t alter his face much either. I made his upper body muscles more defined, but the biggest adjustment was needed between his legs. The fact that his dick appears bigger in the improved version is just an illusion: I didn't actually change its size, I just gave him a pair of briefs that provide a more realistic depiction of the size of his cock. In my opinion, the underwear in the original photo is too tight. Having seen Jake Burton in a few adult films, I know exactly how big his penis is (both hard and soft), so it wasn’t difficult to edit a realistic bulge between his legs.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

I corrected Steve Grand's physical flaws

Original picture:

Improved version:

Steve Grand is an openly gay country singer who loves to show off his body with minimal clothing. Since he has a rather large dick, he often wears tight swim trunks to perfectly display its size. In the original picture, I think he went overboard with his dick-size-showing swim trunks, and the result ended up being quite comical. So, I decided to make this dick-size-showing obsession even more ridiculous in the improved version, so I gave Steve Grand an even tighter pair of swim trunks. They are so tight that they barely fit him. Additionally, I gave him a more attractive face, and I had to make quite a few changes to his upper body: I removed the excess fat from his chest and gave him abs, which he never had. The end result is a better-looking, more toned Steve Grand, who is still comical as he desperately tries to show off how big his dick is.
By the way, you can take a look at his dick here

Thursday, August 8, 2024

The improved version of Nuno Branco

Original picture:

Improved version:

I have always loved Nuno Branco's original photo. I liked Nuno's slim yet muscular body, and I felt that the pose had a masculine, erotic vibe. The outlines of his penis were clearly visible through his underwear. That's why it's such a pleasure for me to enhance this photo now. In the improved version, Nuno's face isn't too different from the original, since it was already beautiful, but I feel it's even more attractive now. As for the body, I only made the muscles more defined, as I didn't see the need to add extra bulk. The underwear has been replaced with a Speedo, which may not outline Nuno's penis as well as the original underwear, but the bulge is more prominent, as everything is contained in one place in this tight Speedo. And of course, I made sure that the small patch of pubic hair is visible in the improved photo as well.
If you want to see his penis, click here.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Shane Holiday beautified


Original picture:

Improved version:

Shane Holiday is a well-built young man. Good, but not perfect. Accordingly, in the improved version, his muscles are much more visible. I didn't add more muscle, I just made them more noticeable. His face looks somewhat better, but not much, as Shane is not paying me for this enhancement. There is a noticeable change in his posing trunks, as both their color and style have changed. I didn't lengthen the young man's penis; it's just an optical illusion because the new posing trunks' style accentuates what's inside them more. The original black posing trunks might have been too tight on him, causing a smaller bulge. The new Shane is undoubtedly a better aesthetic experience.

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Tomas Mach transformed into a sexier version of himself

Original picture:

Improved version:

Tomas Mach made a big mistake when this photo was taken of him. First of all, his body is quite fatty, his abs are not visible at all. Secondly, someone with such small genitals should not be posing in tight briefs with legs spread wide. Besides improving his face, I had to change a lot about his body too; my "liposuction" tool worked overtime. Since he's showing off with spread legs, I put extra emphasis on his thigh muscles. The genital enlargement was the biggest intervention, but it was worth it, because now, anyone looking between Tomas Mach's legs won't be smiling but nodding approvingly, and might even start doing something else...
While the original photo sends the message, "I'll take any photo shoot because I really need the money," the improved version conveys, "I'm cool, my body is perfect, and your dinner is served between my legs."

Less body fat = bigger income on OnlyFans


Original picture:

Improved version:

The unnamed man in the original photo isn't ashamed to show off his body, even though it's far from perfect. There's quite a bit of excess fat on this body, so my first step was to remove 30 pounds of flab. Now the muscles are more visible, right? Just a bit of self-discipline with dieting, and the body looks much better. The original face is likable but not really cool, so in the improved photo, this man doesn’t even look like himself. I gave him different-colored underwear and slightly increased the size of his genitals (mostly balls) to make him look better. The original body can earn $500 a month on OnlyFans, but the improved one can make up to $10,000.