Original picture:
Improved version:
It's not just the bodies of men living today that are worth improving; sometimes we can also use photos from several decades ago. In the original photo, Jimmy Metz is shown, and with this body, he was really cool in his time. He still looks good today, so I didn't have to change much. Even his face remained almost untouched. The six-pack abs are much more visible in the enhanced version because, in today's era, this is an aesthetic basic expectation. Similarly, I modernized his swim trunks: I gave him a very tight, red posing trunk. Things are positioned a bit differently now, pointing in another direction, because I think it looks better this way.
I would also like to say a few words about his expression: the young man looks like he regrets signing up for this photoshoot, as he just realized that all his family members, acquaintances, friends, neighbors, and former classmates will see his body – with minimal clothing.
Wow, it's so hot!!