Monday, July 29, 2024

Young Sergey Bazarov after serious body improvement

Original picture:

Improved version:

The original photo of Sergey Bazarov, a young Russian bodybuilder, was taken for one of his Western sponsors. Life is tough for an aspiring bodybuilder in Russia; without Western financial support, it’s nearly impossible to afford the necessary proteins, creatines, vitamins, etc. This is why it's surprising that Sergey tried to impress potential sponsors with the original photo. The yard where the photo was taken is very unattractive and impoverished, and his abs are not visible at all. His facial expression is not humble enough; it’s too confident for someone who is looking for a sponsor. Thus, in the improved version, Sergey’s facial expression is much more submissive, conveying that he will fulfill any sponsor's request. In the original photo, he is not wearing posing trunks but some kind of cheap speedos, so in the enhanced version, we see him in professional posing trunks. I also considered that it was likely cold when Sergey took the original photo, so in the improved photo, the posing trunks better reflect his actual size down there.

Additionally, since I find this ugly yard such an unprofessional background, I created a version where Sergey is posing in a luxurious yard. Of course, this is just wishful thinking; Sergey can never be that rich because he is too proud to completely submit to wealthy Western sponsors. Therefore, the money he earns from such photos is enough for protein and chicken breast, but not for a nice house.

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