Saturday, August 3, 2024

I made Tanner Parkes' bulge more visible

Original picture:

Improved version:

Tanner Parkes' body is quite good; as you can see, I didn't have to change much in the improved version. The original Tanner didn't strictly adhere to the diet, only about 90 percent, but his improved version completely avoided carbohydrates for a few weeks, which is why his muscles are more visible. I had to change the original head: the new hairstyle is better, and the face is more pleasant – but still ruggedly masculine which is a kind of trademark for this gay-friendly heterosexual man. The biggest change involved the posing trunks because, in the original photo, perhaps due to the bad lighting, the outlines of the bulge are not very clear, and we don't get a perfect picture of how big Tanner Parkes' penis is in the posing trunks. However, in the improved photo, everything is clearly visible (which Tanner might not be so happy about), and I'd like to show a separate enlarged photo of this:

Let's not get into the exact size, but the main point, I think, is that what the posing trunks conceal has become much more visible. I really enjoyed working on Tanner Parkes' posing trunks bulge.


  1. You did a good job making his bulge more visible. Have you considered making his posing trunks semi-transparent?

  2. While I appreciate your work (and the abs you bring out!) I don't feel you need to make their faces so pasty-white with the deer-in-the-headlight looks.

    1. Thanks for the feedback; I'll strive to create better expressions in the future.
